
Spanner (Wera) ****

To tighten a nut you will use a spanner. There are many versions at many angles. Last year Wera introduced a combined open and closed spanner for nuts that has twelve positions on both sides and a flat black addition to the open side that makes it possible to hold a nut prior to installation. The closed side has a ratcheting feature. With the new spanner nuts can be tightened in very difficult spots as you can turn a nut at 30 degrees and bring the nut easily in place. The Joker as these spanners are called, is a spanner that has extra features and there for is a real help. Currently these are a available in four metric sizes but in the future many more sizes will be introduced. Made with precision by Wera in their Czech Republic factory.

See more on: www.wera.de/catalog_de.html?L=0&file=/de/maul-ringratschen-schluessel.html ..

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